IMPORTANT NOTE: currently all activities at the evangelical church Action Bibilique de Renens – Lausanne are in French. For the convenience of native English speakers we provide in this section an overview of the church activities.
What is an Evangelical Church and what is the « Action Biblique » Church in Lausanne-Renens?
An Evangelical Church is a large multicultural family of all ages from all walks of life who love to share moments together with the Bible and Jesus Christ at the center. A welcoming family where no one is left behind, where everyone is precious and valuable. The « Action Biblique » literally translated as biblical action, is an evangelical missionary work that began in 1907, whose initial vocation was the dissemination of the Bible. The Evangelical church in Lausanne/Renens has been in existence since 1923. Today the Biblical Action evangelical churches exists in the Canton of Vaud in Renens, Vevey and Monthey as well as in many other towns in French-speaking Switzerland and German-speaking Switzerland.
Please drop in and visit! Church services are on Sunday at 10 and finish around 11:15 followed by a time of fellowship where people enjoy time together. Services include a preliminary welcome time, singing led by the musicians and singers as well as a bible based sermon 25-40 minutes dependeing on the speaker. Currently the lead pastor Patrice Berger is preaching on the minor prophets and the parables.
We have restarted serving coffee and snacks after the service following the end of the COVID restrictions which allows the community to continue enjoying the fellowship time just after the church service. Alcohol solution is provided at the entrance for washing hands (this is currently not an obligation).
Bible Studies / Home Groups
Home Groups meet once a week with the goal of maturing in faith through Bible study. The groups are formed according to people involved and their geographical locations.
Currently, our groups are meeting through Zoom. Please contact us if you would like to join a group. Normally, the groups meet either at the church in Renens or are invited by one of the group leader in Lausanne and surrounding areas (Prilly, Préverenge, Cossonay, Crissier etc.).
Currently we are studying the Book of Revelation. This study is given by Zoom and is open to all (contact us! ). (Bible Study is in French).
Bible Study Tools
A number of bible study tools have recently been added to the AB Lausanne Church website this includes.
Parallel bible for the King James version: with this tool, several bible versions can be compared with the King James Version.
Multi-verse / Multilingual tool (verse comparator): For a given bible verse view the verse in multi translation and includes the Strong Code references and related verses.
KJV Strong Code bible: Strong codes in Hebrew and Greek for the King James Bible. The Strong’s Codes, also known as Strong’s Numbers, are a system of identifying and organizing the words used in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. Each word in the KJV is assigned a unique number, called a Strong’s Number, which can be used to look up the word in a concordance or other reference tool. The Strong’s Codes were created by James Strong, a biblical scholar and theologian, in the late 19th century as a way to help people study and understand the KJV more easily.
One of the main advantages of the Strong’s Codes is that they make it easier to study the original languages of the Bible, Hebrew and Greek. By using the codes, people can quickly and easily find the original word that was used in the text and its meaning. This can be especially helpful for people who are not fluent in Hebrew or Greek, as it allows them to better understand the nuances of the text.
Youth Activities
Switzerland boasts a large number of youth nature camps organized by various organizations such as the scouts and others, many of which operate under the Jeunesse et Sports affiliation. Action Biblique organizes a large number of youth camps for all age groups and throughout the year which also are affiliated to Jeunesse et Sports. Discover through our website and various links, the JAB (Jeunesse Action Biblique), which translates to Action Biblique youth. (JAB) is an evangelical Christian youth organization. Camps are organized throuth the Association of Evangelical Churches of Action Biblique Suisse. Activities are also regularly organized with the other AB churches in the Canton of Vaud (AB-Vevey, AB-Monthey) as well as the other churches in French-speaking Switzerland. Larger camps and get togethers are also organized with some of the Action Biblique churches in France (particularly the ski-camp in Contamines which takes place yearly at the end of December.
YouTube and Podcast
All sermons are available in streaming directly on YouTube . Currently there are several interesting series availalble see : Playlists (1 Jean, Jonas, Actes and Apocalypse ). The Bible studies on Revelation are currently being held via Zoom. Please contact us to take part. We subsequently place the studies on our YouTube channel in the Apocalypse Playlist. Please also visit the Action Biblique Suisse YouTube channel which groups together series from the Action Biblique churches into playlists.
Patrice Berger : pastor of the Action Biblique Lausanne-Renens church since 2016.
Start of service: His desire to serve God began as a teenager with young people with the JAB:
Training: This commitment showed him the need for theological training, something he was able to achieve at the Geneva Biblical Institute from 1999-2004
2000-2002 stage Église Évangélique de Wittenheim, Alsace, France
2002-2004 stage Église Évangélique de l’Action Biblique du pays de Montbéliard à Étupes, Franche-Comté, France
This last stage became the occasion to stay and serve as pastor until 2017
At the same time, Patrice always remains close to Bible teaching for young people.
Since 2000, he has been the editor-in-chief of the editorial journal TA JEUNESSE He wrote two books for young people: “1 minute for your faith” (2 volumes) with the editions of the Maison de la Bible. He participates in the drafting of other works such as “Bible Express” collective work, with the Maison de la Bible and “L’Ecclésiaste, Vivre avec sagesse” book written by his friend Woody Lewis to Éditions Clé (also forthcoming, a commentary on the Song of Songs).
Since 2018, Patrice teaches at l’Institut Biblique de Genève, hermeneutics
“Orateur Marcheur” (Walking/Preaching) :
Since 2000, he participates in the retreats of “Joyful Walkers” in France (Vosges, Cévennes etc.)
Favorite Verse : For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (John 1.17)
His motto: You are never safe from a good surprise
Paul Yersin : Elder and President of Action Biblique Suisse
For more than 40 years, Paul Yersin has been a member of the Action Biblique Church of Lausanne-Renens. He had a teaching career in the public school of the canton of Vaud. In 1982, he took a sabbatical year to study at the Geneva Biblical School, currently the Geneva Biblical Institute. This year allowed him to deepen his knowledge of the Bible. Thereafter, he volunteers in various activities of the church. In 2000, he was asked to take more responsibility. He accepts the position of Elder, which will be renewed several times.
A retired teacher since August 2016, he accepts to join the Committee of the Association of Evangelical Churches of Biblical Action in Switzerland. He accepts the presidency of the Association in 2019.
These words of Jesus have always touched him: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28 Life is not a long calm river, there are sometimes difficulties: It can range from simple incomprehension to conflict or even from illness to the loss of a loved one In all circumstances, God wants us to rely on Him with confidence.
This quote from Martin Luther King inspires him: “We must learn to live together as brothers, otherwise we will all die together like fools.” In the church, as in our society, living together in mutual respect is a real challenge. It is a challenge that God with His support asks us to meet: “Support one another, and, if one has to complain about the other, forgive each other. As Christ forgave you, so forgive yourself. “
The Chruch is ideally located at the exit of the A1 highway in the direction of Lausanne (exit Lausanne/Malley).
The church is also easily accessible by public transport from the center of Lausanne (Flon) by taking the M1 to bourdonnette and then walking. (see map below). See the Access pages for more details and parking information.

Photo of the front of the building.